Monday 10th February
Listen Now
Although one may forget certain things, music and it's accompanying memories remain embedded in the mind of someone who is cognitively impaired.
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Tuesday 11th February
Listen Now
Although one may forget certain things, music and it's accompanying memories remain embedded in the mind of someone who is cognitively impaired.
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Wednesday 12th February
Listen Now
Although one may forget certain things, music and it's accompanying memories remain embedded in the mind of someone who is cognitively impaired.
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Thursday 13th February
Late Night
00:00 - 01:00
DDR News & Daithi Cee Blog
'My Fabulous Life'
12:00 - 13:00
DDR News & Daithi Cee Blog
'My Fabulous Life'
Listen Now
Although one may forget certain things, music and it's accompanying memories remain embedded in the mind of someone who is cognitively impaired.
Request A Song
Friday 14th February
Listen Now
Although one may forget certain things, music and it's accompanying memories remain embedded in the mind of someone who is cognitively impaired.
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Saturday 15th February
12:00 - 13:00
Deepness Dementia Radio News & Stephen Tamblin's Blog
'Living with Vascular Dementia'
Listen Now
Although one may forget certain things, music and it's accompanying memories remain embedded in the mind of someone who is cognitively impaired.
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Sunday 16th February
Through the Night
00:00 - 01:00
Deepness Dementia Radio News & Our Rights
12:00 - 13:00
Deepness Dementia Radio News
& Our Rights
14:00 - 18:00
Sunday Afternoon on Deepness Dementia Radio
- Gail Gregory Blog
- Stephen Tamblins Blog
- Peter Berrys Blog
- 1 in 100/6000 Voices
- Ron Coleman's Poetry
- Book Club
- Daithi Cee Blog
- The Karen Taylor Interviews
Listen Now
Although one may forget certain things, music and it's accompanying memories remain embedded in the mind of someone who is cognitively impaired.
Request A Song