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Consulting on a National Care Service

The independent review of adult social care recommended the creation of a national care service in Scotland, with ministers being accountable for adult social care support.

The Scottish Government has opened a consultation seeking views on creating a comprehensive community health and social care service.

They are proposing that the national care service will define the strategic direction and quality standards for community health and social care in Scotland. it will have local delivery boards which work with the NHS, local authorities, and the third and independent sectors to plan, commission and deliver the support and services that the people of Scotland require.

The independent review also recommended:
- Ensuring that care is person-centred and human rights based.
- Providing greater recognition and support for unpaid carers.
- Improving conditions in the workforce.
- Commissioning for public good.
- More effective approaches to scrutiny and improvement of social care services.

The recommendations will involve significant changes that will need to be supported by primary legislation. The independent Review made clear that changes to systems are needed to deliver improvements in the quality of social care and support.

The priority in considering these proposals must be improving outcomes for the people who access care and support.

They want to hear views from as many people as possible to shape a better future- including people who access care and support, carers, member's of the workforce and those who may access care and support in the future- which includes everyone.

Everyone who may be effected by these changes should have an opportunity to comment on them.

A series of online engagement events are being held in September and October to enable stakeholders, individuals, and communities to come together to share their views on the National Care Service.

Some of these events will cover all aspects of the consultation, and some will be themed towards specific aspects of the consultation, these consultation events will offer people the opportunity to come together to discuss the national care service and to understand the need for change within social care.

A summary report will be produced from each event for the Scottish government to consider alongside the official consultation responses.

You can register to attend the virtual engagement events or complete an online consultation form here:


Consultation closes on the 18th October 2021.




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